Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summer Re-lived

Now the we are fully into the Autumn season, I can't help but take one last glance back at
by far the best event of the summer... The Fair.

Pillsbury Doughboy made entirely out of tuna cans... impressive no?

Very cute baby ducks we came upon in one of the barns. There was lots of
navigating around piles of farm animal poops as we made our way
through the barns : )

I think this might have been Jaime's favorite part of the day.
As he stepped into the jet, I was commissioned to take as many
photos as I could... needless to say, in this moment I became
his own personal paparazzi.

 Crazy sandcastle. Who knows how long this took!

 This was part of a parade that wound through the streets of the fair.
These little guys reminded me of something off of Alice in Wonderland.

Probably my favorite part of the parade... they had 
a ton of these giant balloons in different colors.

This is the look of pure satisfaction as Jaime bit into his
first mini donut of the year. All this, as we waited for the
Michael Bolton concert to start... yes, Michael Bolton. 
Jaime was in heaven.

Happiness in a bag.

Me and my wind-blown ride hair munching on
some mini donuts.

I love fair colors.

Ahh yes, the infamous ferris wheel. This was the last ride
we went on - I had to work
up my courage for this one... roller coster? check, 
crazy spinny rides? check. Ferris wheel? The first two
times around I closed my eyes and hung on for dear life. 
But once I got used to it, it was actually quite beautiful...
Me and my husband sitting on the ferris wheel at night, looking
out over Vancouver with all it's twinkling lights - straight from
a movie. 

Life doesn't get any better : )

Monday, August 16, 2010

Here on Keats Isle...

Away we went. One week of glorious vacation on Keats Island off the Sunshine Coast.
Away from it all - It brings to mind the theme song from Gilligan's Island...

"No phones (well, our cellphones were turned off), no lights (no, thank goodness we had electricity), no motor cars (that part is true... they were parked on the island across from us), not a single luxury (mmm... do movies make the cut?) Like Robinson Carusoe, it's as primitive as can be, as primitive as can be."

Ok, so maybe not primitive but primitive enough for me! 
It's one of those places where time just stops and the only things you worry about are when your next nap is going to be or whether you want to go swim at the beach or lounge around the cottage reading a book.
Just the beautiful sun and  the endless blue ocean as our companions... all alone on an island... 
with my family. Lovely.

 Gazing into the distance...

 This gate has been around since I was little, I figured it deserved a photo

One of our numerous snacks...

Trail to the beach.

Lovely Family.

I kind of want to live here... ok, maybe not when it's stormy

Raspberry Gelato!

This is Mr. Keats... he just kind of showed up

...And this makes me smile

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Don't judge a door by it's color."

My husband and I are currently {and have been for the past 5 months}
renovating our basement suite.
My next goal is to paint our front door and screen my father so lovingly installed for us.
Picking a paint color for your front door is a big deal {I think}. It's the first thing people see when they come up to your house... It's like the front cover of a book... people say, "don't judge a book by it's cover", but honestly how many of us actually do?... guilty!
Picking our door color was important to me. I wanted it to reflect our personality - serious yet fun, somewhat type A yet creative, grown up yet not really....

After much deliberating, we chose our colors:

Blue for the door, yellow for the screen! We are in love! The yellow reminds us of Mexico and the serious blue makes it...well...a bit serious. We're ready to go. Now all we have to do is wait for a sunny day....

And perhaps when it's all said and done, we should throw one of these down...

And maybe one of these on the door...

I'll post pictues when it is finished!!

My Tea Friend

Thursday evening was lovely. It was one of those evenings when after everything is said and done you sigh and say "That was almost perfect."

 White Rock. A setting sun. Gelato {raspberry & coconut}. Good tunes. Comfortable shoes. Camera. Conversation. My tea friend.

Ah yes, my friend. Going somewhere with her, is like going on vacation. I like her corner of the world...where everyone has an English accent, drinks tea and wears 18th century attire... whilst listening to Toby Mac...

This friend of mine brings a certain element to my life that no one else does. She is like a modern day Jane Austen or Elizabeth Bennet... take your pick. Strong, smart, independent, incredibly funny {and witty}, feisty, endearing... She'll give you a running commentary on any movie... or book, for that matter. She's a world traveller who absorbs every minute detail of her adventures. She's passionate about tea...any kind. She knows what she believes and she'll tell you... she's not scared. She has great taste in music. She's strong because she knows how to trust her Father. She doesn't like blogs...ha! She is calm and always gives good advice. If she wanted to, she could change the world... but she's good at being patient {regardless of what she says}.

I like spending time with her. And although I'm not a tea drinker like her {I would much rather have coffee}, I will drink tea...Because it just wouldn't be same without tea {or her}. I love her. She is my tea friend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh May Oh My!

T'was the May long weekend a few weekends ago and
Jaime and I decided it would a fun to take a small trip down
to Fort Langley to peruse the shops and what have you.
We lost ourselves in an antique mall that had rows upon rows
of everything you can imagine. And of course no trip to
Fort Langley is complete without a trip to the hat shop.
...A lovely day in May...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tiptoe Through the Tulips...

This past weekend I got bit by the garden bug
and being the good husband that he is, Mr. Mejia
accompanied me to a lovely little green house (well,
it wasn't very little). We picked up some fun little herbs and
some orange pansies for our entrance. Ahh spring is
most definitely here!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello Mr. Fox.

I recently watched the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox.  And it appears I
now have a strange aversion to anything foxy...
you know what I mean.
Check out some of these cuties I found.
(I really love the little plushie!)

 Red Fox Pocket Mirror by Madison Craft, Monty the Fox Plushie by saracarr
Foxes In Trees Print by imsmitten, Fox by Kaikaikiki

Happy Friday
xoxo Sarah